Hotel & Spa Trzy Wyspy Świnoujście, Świnoujście
Hotel & Spa Trzy Wyspy Świnoujście, Świnoujście
Price of the day - flexible offer

Price of the day - flexible offer

  • Breakfast
  • any length of stay
Lowest price guarantee when booking online!

The offer includes:

  • accommodation in a comfortable room
  • rich breakfast buffet with Live Cooking (waffles and omelets)
  • WiFi
  • unlimited access to the Aquacenter: swimming pool, jacuzzi and the only all-year-round beach in Poland, Sabbia Med
  • access to the games room (billiards) - free when ordering in our Keja Bar
  • unlimited access to the gym
  • access to the children's playroom
  • animations for children


Additional fees:

- parking space in the underground garage: PLN 60 per day. Advance reservation required 

- tourist tax according to the current price list of the Świnoujście City Hall

Wellness & SPA

The unquestionable asset of the hotel is the Spa on the Islands. This is the place where we take care of your beauty, allow you to regain peace of mind and vitality. Specially prepared holistic offer, allows you to combine relaxation with improving fitness, health and beauty. It is the perfect place to melt into sweet idleness, and a session in the unique salt grotto will be like a walk along the seashore in the morning.

At the Trzy Wyspy Hotel & Spa we focus on spending time actively, that's why we provide an Aquacenter with a swimming pool, jacuzzi, relaxation area and a gym. In addition, there is the possibility of renting bicycles or poles for Nordic Walking.

Important information
Arrival from 15:00
Departure to 10:00
Animal policy
Zwierzęta opłata dodatkowa : 100 zł /doba/ za każde zwięrzę
Parking - information
Parking is charged extra 60 PLN/day - reservation is required. To reserve a parking space please contact the hotel reception.
Cancellation conditions
Automatic prepayments are required in accordance with the payment plan. We will send reminders for scheduled payments due to the e-mail address provided at the time of booking at least 2 days before payment will be taken. All payments made are non-refundable. In the event of a missed payment, the hotel has a right to cancel the reservation.
Cards accepted on site:
Visa Visa Electron MasterCard Maestro
Other offers
Gift voucher
from 300PLN /item
Gift voucher
  • any length of stay
See details
Voucher to Spa on the Islands
from 100PLN /item
Voucher to Spa on the Islands
  • any length of stay
See details
Colorful Autumn
from 599PLN /night
Colorful Autumn
  • min. 3 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Autumn Relaxation
from 789PLN /night
Autumn Relaxation
  • min. 3 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Get 100 PLN
from 269PLN /night
Get 100 PLN
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Girls' trip to the sea
from 599PLN /night
Girls' trip to the sea
  • min. 2 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Stay with treatment
from 329PLN /night
Stay with treatment
  • min. 5 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Christmas by the Baltic Sea
from 1 099PLN /night
Christmas by the Baltic Sea
  • min. 7 nights
  • Half Board
See details
Magical Christmas at Hotel & Spa Trzy Wyspy
from 649PLN /night
Magical Christmas at Hotel & Spa Trzy Wyspy
  • min. 4 nights
  • Half Board
See details
Winter holidays 2025 min. 3 days
from 509PLN /night
Winter holidays 2025 min. 3 days
  • min. 3 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Winter holidays 2025 min. 7 days
from 489PLN /night
Winter holidays 2025 min. 7 days
  • min. 7 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Stay with treatment 2025
from 309PLN /night
Stay with treatment 2025
  • min. 6 nights
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Price of the day - flexible offer with breakfast and dinner
from 269PLN /night
Price of the day - flexible offer with breakfast and dinner
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast and Dinner
See details
Non-refundable offer
Non-refundable offer
  • any length of stay
  • Breakfast
See details
Flexible offer without meals
from 174PLN /night
Flexible offer without meals
  • any length of stay
  • Room Only
See details
Voucher na komorę hiperbaryczną - 5 wejść
from 300PLN /item
Voucher na komorę hiperbaryczną - 5 wejść
  • any length of stay
See details
Voucher na komorę hiperbaryczną - 1 wejście
from 70PLN /item
Voucher na komorę hiperbaryczną - 1 wejście
  • any length of stay
See details
Voucher do Spa na Wyspach z 1 wejściem na plażę Sabbia Med
from 200PLN /item
Voucher do Spa na Wyspach z 1 wejściem na plażę Sabbia Med
  • any length of stay
See details
Voucher na komorę hiperbaryczną - 10 wejść
from 500PLN /item
Voucher na komorę hiperbaryczną - 10 wejść
  • any length of stay
See details
from 100PLN /item
  • any length of stay
See details
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